Entering a swimmer/diver is a multi-step process with specific hard deadlines. Failure to meet ALL of these requirements by the established deadlines will result in your swimmer not being entered in the meet.
STEP 1 - Athletes who qualify for the state meet must submit those qualifying performances via the proof of performance system within one week of the performance. The last date/time an athlete can be entered into the proof system is Thursday, February 1 at 11:00 pm. Instructions on completing this process can be found via Proof of Performance Instructions . Once submitted, teams should check to ensure those times are in the system and make any corrections if needed.
STEP 2 - Athletes who are qualified for the meet and have been properly put into the proof of performance system must then be entered in their events in the same proof of performance system. The deadline for this entry is Thursday, February 1 at 11:59 pm.
STEP 3 - All qualified divers must submit their dive list/sheet for the state meet by Saturday, February 3 at 4 pm.
The deadline schedule for the 2024 GHSA State Meet is as Follows
Dive - POP Within 1 week of performance
Swim - POP Within 1 week of performance
Last POP Thursday, February 1, 11:00 pm
Swim - Last POP Thursday, February 1, 11:00 pm
Swim - Actual meet entry Thursday, February 1, 11:59 pm
Dive - Dive sheet entered into Divemeets.com for State Saturday, February 3, 4:00 pm
Dive - Changes on State sheet Saturday, February 3, 4:00 pm